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Title: The impact of subsidence: can peatland drainage be sustainable in the long term?
Date: 09-Oct-2012
Category: Presentation
Source/Author: http://www.wetlands.org/WatchRead/Currentpublications/tabid/56/mod/1570/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/3365/Default.aspx
Description: This presentation presents the impact of peat soil subsidence and discusses the issues of sustainability of peatland drainage activities.

Language(s): English

Author(s): Al Hooijer, Budi Triadi, Oka Karyanto, Sue Page, Marnix van der Vat and Gilles Erkens

Read it at http://www.slideshare.net/WetlandsInternational/the-impact-of-subsidence-can-peatland-drainage-be-sustainable-in-the-long-term


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