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Title: Estimation of carbon and their fluxes in tropical peatlands: Results from a Japan - Indonesia joint project
Date: 17-Jun-2013
Category: Presentation
Source/Author: Prof. Mitsuru Osaki, PhD, Hokkaido University
Description: Presented in Bonn, 4th June 2013

Material from

SBSTA 38 Research Dialogue
-Developments in research activities relevant to the needs of the Convention
- 4 June 2012, 15:00-18:00,

Maritim Hotel, Bonn, Germany

Plenary II:
Emerging scientific findings: Ecosystems and GHG emissions
and removals from sources, sinks and reservoirs, including
from terrestrial ecosystems.

Presentation available at https://unfccc.int/files/science/workstreams/research/application/pdf/4_japan_osaki_20130604.pdf

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