Site Nomination for Peat Site Profiles in Southeast Asia
Protected Area
Name of Site: Nee Soon Swamp
Country: Singapore
GPS Point: Latitude: 1°24'N Longitude: 103°48'E
Location & Access: In the north-eastern part of the Central Catchment Nature Reserve, southeast of Upper Seletar Reservoir.
Total Area: 50.00 hectare(s)
Background of Site: Nee Soon is an area of permanently flooded peat swamp forest, the last remnant of a more extensive area which was cleared for the formation of Upper Seletar Reservoir and for residential use in areas now outside the Nature Reserve, around the time of World War Two.

It forms part of the catchment area for the public reservoir system in the centre of the island. The swamp is fed by local rainfall and drainage from the nearby hills; there is a slight drying out during periods of no rainfall.
Significant Value of Site:
- Biodiversity

•        This is the only location in Singapore where peat swamp forest is found, and thus it is the only locality for a large number of plant species.
•        There are no longer any specific swamp forest birds at the site, and most of the species still occurring are typical of secondary forest.
•         It is, however, one of the few sites in Singapore where the Blue-eared Kingfisher Alcedo meninting is seen.
•        There is a small population of Banded Leaf Monkeys Presbytis femoralis resident in the area.
•        The taxonomy of colobine leaf monkeys is controversial, but the group at Nee Soon is the last of what may be a distinct subspecies, P. f. femoralis, known only from Singapore (Lucas et al., in prep).
Designated use (status/legal classification):

Others: A part of Nature Reserve

Conservation. Part of the swamp forest overlaps with military use.
Major Issues: Nee Soon freshwater swamp forest would be susceptible to changes in hydrology, including future climate change.
Site Jurisdiction & Administration: The wetland and forested areas to the west are State Land administered by the National Parks Board under the Parks and Trees Act, as part of the Central Catchment Nature Reserve.
Peatland Type: Lowland
Management activities: a) Past
The fringes of the freshwater swamp forest were previously encroached by village cultivation, probably in the 19th century. In the first third of the 20th century a water pipeline from north to south of Singapore traversed the area.

b) Current
The freshwater swamp forest is not normally open to members of the public visiting the Central Catchment Nature Reserve. Permits for research are issued by the National Parks Board.

c) Potential

Facilities & Activities Available on Site:
Institution Responsible for the Site:
Name of Organization: National Parks Board
Postal Address: National Parks Board HQ
1 Cluny Road
Singapore 259569
Phone: +65 1800 471 7300 (helpline)
Fax: +65 6472 3033
Nominated by:
Name: Xu Renshao
Organization: National Environment Agency