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There are 461 records that matched your search criteria (sorted by : Date ASC order)
Date Title Category
01-May-2016 Indonesia takes aim at palm oil after forest fires
Indonesia is pushing to ban new palm oil operations after last year's haze-belching forest fires were partly blamed...
02-May-2016 Indonesia mulls halting land approval to stop haze recurrence
JAKARTA: Indonesia is pushing to ban new palm oil operations after last year’s haze-belching forest fires were...
02-May-2016 APP should focus on preventing peatland fires, pay for damage
I thank Mr Jose Raymond for his letter “APP committed to stopping haze and zero deforestation” (April 27), which was...
03-May-2016 New tool tracks citizens’ behaviour during haze
Potential benefits for governments across the region.
03-May-2016 BRG, Norway review drilling of borewells in Kampar Regency
Pekanbaru (ANTARA News) - The Peat Restoration Agency (BRG), Riau provincial government, and Norwegian Ambassador...
04-May-2016 Norway to develop peatland-friendly agriculture in Indonesia
Pekanbaru, Riau (ANTARA News) - The Norwegian Ambassador to Indonesia, Stig Traavik, has said his government is...
07-May-2016 Japanese technology help prevent fires, flooding in RI
Indonesia will use game-changing Japanese technology to monitor water levels in real time for various...
09-May-2016 A herculean task to recover peatlands
An interview with the leader of the newly-established Peatland Restoration Agency ( BRG ), conservation veteran...
10-May-2016 Govt to Issue Peatlands Restoration Guidelines
Jakarta. The government has prepared guidelines to boost peatlands restoration programs after disastrous forest...
15-May-2016 Antisipasi Karlahut, 50 Sumur Bor Dibangun di Rimbo Panjang, Kampar
Pemkab Kampar lakukan antisipasi terjadinya karlahut sejak dini. Sebanyak 50 sumur bor telah siap dibangun di...
15-May-2016 Pemerintah siapkan badan penyalur hibah kehutanan
JAKARTA. Pemerintah akan membentuk sebuah badan layanan untuk mengelola dana reboisasi dan hibah internasional...
20-May-2016 Gov`t to Restore Kalimantan Peatlands This Year
TEMPO.CO, Palangkaraya - Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG) will restore 679,573 hectares of peatlands in...
20-May-2016 Johannes Nugroho: New Paradigm Needed for Ties With Singapore
Tensions between Indonesia and Singapore are simmering as a kerfuffle is developing over the decision by a...
23-May-2016 Lima Tahun Kebijakan Moratorium Izin Hutan, Ini Catatan dari Walhi
Lima tahun sudah kebijakan moratorium izin hutan dan lahan berjalan, sejak keluar Mei 2011, tetapi dinilai...
24-May-2016 Reviving peatlands needs strict control
The initiative of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to establish the Peatland Restoration Agency ( BRG ) is a...
24-May-2016 Review of Singapore-Indonesia haze-linked programmes to be done by next week: Jakarta environmental official
JAKARTA - A senior Indonesian environmental official said on Tuesday (May 24) that a review of collaborative...
27-May-2016 Warga Pelalawan dan Kepulauan Meranti Bisa Buka Lahan Tanpa Bakar
TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM, PANGKALAN KERINCI – Sosialisasi dan upaya membuka lahan dengan cara tanpa membakar terus...
29-May-2016 Memasuki kemarau, Riau waspada kebakaran
PEKANBARU. Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Stasiun Pekanbaru menyatakan, curah hujan...
29-May-2016 In bid to cut haze, Indonesia persuades farmers against slash-and-burn
Partners with largest palm oil and paper producers to train farmers.
29-May-2016 Cegah Kebakaran Hutan: RAPP Tawarkan Program Desa Bebas Api
Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Program desa bebas api (Fire Free Village Program/ FFVP) sebagai upaya preventif...

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